Friday, February 3, 2012

Is it gonna get easier?

After the excitement of publishing my first blog Post 3 days ago, I got bummed...  And I pouted...
and it was not pretty!!!  


Ha!Ha! See what I mean? 
(yes, I have been perfecting my pouting face for quite a number of years...)
Anyway, somehow I thought that the first Post on my blog would be the hardest one to publish and I really believed that, from there, everything will just flow. 
Yeah, right! It's not quite like that...
For those of you who don't know me, let me introduce you to one of my favorite phrases:
                                                   "I want it now".
I tend to expect immediate greatness for everything I start. And, OF COURSE, it never works out like that!
The result? A long list of unachieved goals, unfinished projects, unfulfilled dreams,etc...etc...
An example? In my early 20's I decided that I wanted to play tennis. Lucky me, a friend of mine agreed to give me some lessons. I was so excited!!!
I immediately went to buy a brand new, shiny tennis racquet  and went for my 1st lesson. 
The whole thing lasted 20 minutes. Lot's of huffing, puffing, cursing and complaining...  And I never touched the shiny racquet again.

That's only 1 example and I've got so many similar stories that I could start Blogging just about that particular subject.
But, let's get back to my actual blog...
I have been reading and learning a lot about Blogging secrets, mysteries and how to's. Surprisingly enough, even after 3 days of:

   "Why is it not working? I'm following the exact steps!!!... Plugins? ... Labels? ... HTML what??? Urghhhh!!!!!!" 

Well, even after all that, I still think I can do it! And I even realized that I am actually really enjoying this! 
Who knew? Huh? :)
So, from now on, instead of looking at what I cannot accomplish, I'm gonna try to focus on my little daily victories... And so far,in the last 2 days, I learned how to: 
   - link a page
   - add the { Pin it }and { Olioboard } buttons at the end of my post.
The Facebook thingy is giving me trouble so I still have to work on it...
I have a small list of things I really would like to set-up by the end of the day. So wish me luck!!!

What about you? Have you started something new lately?  I would love to hear about it :)

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Trust me the first few weeks of blogging will be difficult because you are still trying to find your voice! You need to keep pushing through even when you think you are only talking to yourself...eventually you will get a following!
