Tuesday, January 31, 2012

is this thing on??

Hi! and welcome to my blog!
First, I would like to introduce you to my brain and share with you exactly what is going on inside it right now:
   "ok.... breeeeathe!!!!!!  ....Oh my God, I'm so nervous, it's ridiculous...........     But..... It's not like anybody is ever gonna read this....... right?....... ( deep sigh ), It's just that........... I have been dreaming about starting my own blog for more than 3 years now!!........ And today is THE day!!! Yep! That's it! Any minute now I'm gonna press that "Publish" button and it will officially make me a blogger... Woop! Woop!
Yep! Annnnnnnny minute now.......... ( deep sigh )
Yep! Today is the day I'm gonna stop listening to my fears.... and I'm finally gonna let go of all the "what ifs..." cluttering my mind.
Yep! Annnnnnnnnnnnny minute now... (very deep sigh).
But, what if nobody likes my blog? what if nobody follows it? or subscribes? what if I'm terrible at it? and what if I cannot keep up with it? what if I make a mistake? what if my English is not good enough? what if I receive mean comments? what if...? what if?..."

Well, I guess I will never know unless I try, huh? 
So, that's it! On this beautiful and sunny last day of January 2012, I officially declare my blog "One intention at a time" open for my friends and family the World to see!

Welcome aboard!

We are in this together so why don't you tell me what you think?  How long did YOU wait to take the leap? Or maybe you are still waiting?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Clap, clap,clap! I am jumping up & down in excitement for you!!! I am so, so, so happy you finally took the leap. I love, love, love the blog name you came up with & can't wait to see what you have in store for us! You're little post expressed the jitters we all felt & sometimes still do no matter how many post you have shared. So proud of ya girl!! Okay, now I am off to subscribe:)

    1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you girl!!!
      You gave me the little friendly push that made it possible and I am so grateful!!
      There will always be a special place for you in this Blog... :)

  2. Looks like a great start! Can't wait so see some creations... no pressure! :)

    1. he!he! yeah... no pressure :)
      Thanks for stopping by Heidi!
